How much chlorine should you add to your pool

how much chlorine to add to pool

Pool season is here, and you’re ready to get your pool in swimming order. Before you jump into your beautiful sparkling blue oasis, you need to make sure it is safe, clean, and free of disease-causing pathogens. But there is one problem; how much chlorine to add to pool?

Why does it have to be exact?

There are so many ways you could get this wrong. If you don’t use enough, you are allowing the possibility for harmful microorganisms to grow and multiply. Anyone swimming in your pool could leave with gastroenteritis, an ear infection, athlete’s foot, or even worse, Legionnaires Disease! If you use too much, you can cause skin irritation, lung irritation, asthma, or severely damage a swimmer’s eyes. You do not want to send anyone to the emergency room! This is why testing the pH is so very important. If you already know how to properly test your pH and all you want is an easy way to calculate chemicals needed, I have found this site to be extremely helpful, pool calculator. If not, read on.

When Should I Test My Pool?

Environmental factors and when you last added chemicals will affect your pH test. If you have recently added any chemicals to your pool wait 12 – 48 hours before testing. The time frame depends on the size of your pool and the chemicals that have been added. Rain will also change the pH of your pool. Wait 8 hours after a rain to ensure proper testing.

Get Out the Test Kit

Just how do you know if you have the concentration just right? First, you have to start with the proper test kit. If you do not have a test kit, your kit is out of date or your test kit not been properly stored you can find suggested options at pool calculator. It is very important to make sure you have a complete kit in good condition.

When you gather your water sample make sure you are using a clean testing container. Rinse your test bottle thoroughly before collecting your sample to ensure no contaminants affect the results. If you are repurposing a container to collect your sample always thoroughly clean the container first and never use a container that contained chemicals or, believe it or not, pickles! The salt and vinegar will never fully rinse away and can affect the ph of your test.

Turn on the pool pump. Be sure to get that water flowing to make sure you get an accurate representation of the entire pool. Also, don’t be afraid to get your arm wet. The top layer of your pool will have a different chemical concentration due to evaporation and sun exposure. Take your sample from about 12 to 18 inches deep. This, together with running the pump for a bit prior to collecting will help with getting the true pH of your pool.

Once you have that perfect water sample in your clean container, it is time to use the test kit. Follow the directions on the package exactly as each test type can be different. Make sure you add the exact measurements called for in the instructions and expose the test strips for the specified amount of time. Immediately reseal your unused test strips to ensure they are not affected by humidity or moisture. When you are done with the test, be sure to thoroughly wash your hands. Chemicals used could he caustic and harmful to skin and eyes.

I Have My Results, Now What?

So, now let’s get down business. You’ve collected your sample, gotten your results and you need to know just how much chlorine to add to your pool. We need to know how much water you have. You can easily get the volume of your pool by going to www. This is where I like to go to easily calculate what chemicals I need, filter sizes & pool volume. They even have a link that will give you recommendations based on your local forecast. It’s the best site I’ve seen for any pool owner.

how much chlorine to add to pool

Enjoy Your Beautiful, Clean Oasis

Now that you’ve added your chemicals and waited the amount of time specified on your chemical product you should have a beautiful, clean, and safe pool to enjoy your summer. Grab your floaties and jump right in. It’s gonna be a great one!